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My site is loading sloooo...
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07-10-2018, 02:27 PM
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Import appears stuck
Forum: Importing
Last Post: BillM
05-25-2018, 08:32 AM
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Ooops! Something went wro...
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Forum: General Questions
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03-06-2018, 12:22 PM
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Labels / QZ Tray
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03-06-2018, 09:02 AM
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Easy Post
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03-06-2018, 09:01 AM
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03-06-2018, 08:59 AM
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Test Credentials
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03-06-2018, 08:57 AM
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Category Mapping
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03-06-2018, 08:53 AM
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How do I import from a su...
Forum: Importing
Last Post: BillM
03-06-2018, 08:52 AM
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  My site is loading sloooooooow
Posted by: BillM - 07-10-2018, 02:27 PM - Forum: General Questions - No Replies

Most, if not all, of these issues have been resolved as of 7-21-2018 but I am leaving this here for reference. You may still experience this behavior approximately once per hour, especially if you are still in testing mode and are the only one accessing the store.

If your site is new and are importing from 2 or more vendors with a majority of their products being displayed on the store, then every single item you've elected to show is considered NEW. What's taking so long is that the system has to randomly pick new products from the literally 10’s of thousands of NEW products for your home page’s NEW PRODUCTS section. This will get better as time goes by and fewer and fewer products are considered NEW. You could drop to just 1 vendor and add more later… but you’d need to either delete all their products or disable them all, plus making sure to remember to disable their imports.

If you're just starting out, pick 1 vendor to import from and get comfortable with. Use them to learn the category mapping techniques, and get your menus set up. By the time you're done with that, their items will probably not be considered NEW any longer (depending on what value you have for the NEW PRODUCT AGE setting) and then you could add another vendor to import from. Wait a few days, and add another, etc.

Another setting you can adjust is the Animate multiple product images setting. 

All of these settings are found in Store Information -> Site Settings -> Product Settings

You can avoid loading the homepage by typing the url to the login page directly into your browser's address bar like this:

Once you send the login info your site will try to load the homepage again, so just cancel it and enter the url for your admin screen like this:

Keep in mind that the server is still running the process to load the homepage so this may not work like you'd expect but at least your browser isn't waiting for it to finish.

After some time goes by the homepage will load quicker since it will have fewer products to sort out and you can gradually start increasing the product age required for it to be considered "new" as described above.

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  Import appears stuck
Posted by: BillM - 05-12-2018, 03:28 PM - Forum: Importing - Replies (1)

If your import appears stuck like in the image below, it's generally due to a bad pricing formula. When this happens, the system crashes in a way that cannot be captured or reported, since when the error occurs the import crashes and no further actions can be accomplished. If you are experiencing this, the first thing you should check are you pricing formulas. Check for invalid mathematical characters (no = chars, etc, only + / - * ) and make sure every parenthesis or bracket has an opposite parenthesis or bracket - each ( needs a ) and each { needs a }. Also if you're using functions like floor() make sure there are no misspellings.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=9]

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
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  Ooops! Something went wrong..... Google Maps Error
Posted by: BillM - 04-07-2018, 09:04 PM - Forum: General Questions - No Replies

If you get a gray box where the map shouldbe with a message saying "Ooops! Something went wrong"...

This means you haven't obtained and installed your Google maps API key. If you have already installed it, then something is set right at Google. More information and links to sign up can be found here: https://developers.google.com/maps/docum...et-api-key

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  Visitor Statistics
Posted by: BillM - 03-06-2018, 12:22 PM - Forum: General Questions - No Replies

Quote:How can I see my store's visitor stats, etc?
When you signed up you received an email with the subject: Your new My FFL Cart server account for [your_domain_name] has been created

In there is the username and password for your server's account. So if your domain was "mygunstore.com" then you'd go to https://mygunstore.com:2083. Log in with the username and password in that email and you can view all sorts of visitor stats, etc.

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  Labels / QZ Tray
Posted by: BillM - 03-06-2018, 09:02 AM - Forum: Shipping - No Replies

Quote:What is QZTray / How do I print labels?
QZTray is a small 3rd party utility that you download and install on any computer you will be printing labels from. This allows your browser to send label image data directly to your printer. Browsers are horrible printing mechanisms unless you're printing a web page and precise formatting is not an issue. Trust us, we printed thousands of test labels from every browser on the market and none of them printed correctly. Using this utility, we can ensure that labels print correctly, no matter what operating system or browser is used to print with. Plus, it's free!

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  Easy Post
Posted by: BillM - 03-06-2018, 09:01 AM - Forum: Shipping - No Replies

Quote:Who is Easy Post and why do I need an account?
Easy Post (http://easypost.com), as the name implies, is the simplest way to integrate all of the various shipping APIs into one centralized set of commands. Shipping companies have some of the worst APIs out there. The documentation is often shotty and outdated and is virtually a nightmare to get working and keep working, especially with all of the extra headaches associated with shipping firearms and ammunition. Using Easy Post allows us to spend our time creating products and features for you instead of shipping. Easy Post takes care of that so we don't have to worry about it. If one of the shipping companies change something, we seldom have to do anything on our end to accomodate it, it just keeps working. Easy Post charges a mere $.03 per label, therefore if you want to print labels from your website, you simply just need to set up your Easy Post account and enter your credentials into your My FFL Cart store. If you have negotiated rates with your shipping provider, they will still be in effect.

An Easy Post account is necessary to provide real-time shipping estimates during the checkout process as well as address validation. They don't charge for shipping rates or address validation, they only charge you if you generate a label. Test labels are free too.

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  Product Display
Posted by: BillM - 03-06-2018, 08:59 AM - Forum: Products - No Replies

Quote:Which product is displayed to the customer when it is available from multiple suppliers?
When products are displayed to the user, certain criteria are used to pick which one to show. These are as follows (in order of priority):
  1. On-hand quantity is greater than 0
  2. Supplier quantity is greater than 0
  3. Lowest price
  4. Preferred supplier
This means that if a product has an on-hand quantity, it is used no matter what. Otherwise, it chooses the product with the lowest price for which a supplier has in stock. In the event of a tie for price, then the order of suppliers here takes precedence.

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  Test Credentials
Posted by: BillM - 03-06-2018, 08:57 AM - Forum: Credit Card Processing - No Replies

Quote:Im trying to setup my credit card processing for my merchant account provider but I don’t see a place to get the test credentials on the website.
We don't provide these credentials. You’ll need to contact your merchant account proivider for the test and live credentials.

Quote:eProcessing Network
EPN's test credentials are the same for everyone.
Account #: 080880
Account Password: 080880pw
Restrict Key: yFqqXJh9Pqnugfr

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  Category Mapping
Posted by: BillM - 03-06-2018, 08:53 AM - Forum: Importing - No Replies

Quote:I am having issues with products not showing up that I mapped to the appropriate category before the import.
Any product with an on-hand quantity is used before anything else. After that, the product with the lowest price is what gets displayed. So if you have other distributors that sell the same product, and they have it in stock, and the selling price is lower than the supplier's price that you just imported, then theirs will be shown.

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  How do I import from a supplier?
Posted by: BillM - 03-06-2018, 08:52 AM - Forum: Importing - No Replies

Basically setting this up is a 5 step process:

  1. If you dont have any categories set up yet, you should do that now in Catalog->Categories. There are already special categories for guns and ammo. Don’t delete these. You can rename them. If you don't want to sell products in one of these categories (for example, ammo) then just disable those categories. The system looks for these special categories and if they are not present, the imports may not run or run properly. These categories should be named accordingly so they should be easy to locate, but you can be sure by clicking the blue edit button and checking the value for the category’s Designation setting. You can disable several categories at once by selecting each one using the checkbox on the left of the list, and then using the With Selected menu, choose Disable for status and clicking the green arrow button
  2. If you haven't already done so, go to the Vendors->Suppliers link and create a record for the supplier you wish to import from.
  3. Then go to Vendors->API settings, cilck to edit the vendor API you wish to import from, and choose the supplier you just created for Linked Supplier. Then enter your data import credentials. You will need to contact your supplier and tell them you want these. These are almost always different than your website credentials.
  4. Go to Vendors->Data Import and set the settings you want for your supplier by clicking the pencil button. You also choose the supplier you just created for Linked Supplier there as well. Once you have saved these you can click the black Play button on the import list to run a manual import. Imports are scheduled to run periodically throughout the day but you can run a manual import any time. When doing a manual import, the option to Skip Download should only be used if an import has previously been ran, otherwise there will be no previously downloaded file to use yet.
  5. Once an import has been ran, if the supplier supports it, you can go back to the import screen for the supplier and set up your category maps. This basically tells the system to move any product coming in with the selected supplier's category to your chosen category. If there are supplier categories you don’t want to sell just leave them as-is and they will not show up in your store. They automatically get placed into "bucket" categories for holding. These categories are disabled by default but you need to leave the products in there, otherwise they will get re-imported on the next run. More info on bucket categories is at the top of the import screen as well as some specific info on each supplier.

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