03-06-2018, 08:50 AM
Quote:When I try to import from a supplier, I get the message "Not all firearm categories have been designated."This happens if you've deleted one or more of the categories specifically designated as a firearms category. To fix this you just need to recreate any missing categories that are designated for all the firearm types. There is a designation drop down where you can choose what it’s for (handgun, long gun,etc) on the add/edit category screen.
Quote:I'm getting a login error when trying to download from one of my suppliers when I use my username and password I use for their website.Each supplier has their own method of granting access to their data. You will need to contact them about how you get these credentials and access. Unless you are told otherwise, it's probably not the same as what you use to log in to their website.
Quote:I get an error that starts with something like this: Process started 2018-02-20 10:30:26 - Exception: (29031) Cannot create lock....This just means that an import for that supplier is already running. Imports can only be ran one at a time for any given supplier.